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22 Bucket List ideas for you and your Bullet Journal

Writer's picture: JuliaJulia

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Almost everyone knows the Bucket List by now. But what does it actually do? And how can one use such a list in the journal? The Bucket List is one of the best ways not to lose sight of dreams and wishes. You can create a big list for your whole life or smaller lists for special occasions. In this blogpost I want to show you my best ideas for different lists and give you inspiration for your own Bucket Lists.

travel, paare, freunde, beste Freundin, bücher, filme, essen, food, Bullet Journal, Bucket List, Liste erstellen, Löffelliste, Bucket Liste, summer, Sommer, Herbst, Fall, Autumn, Christmas, Weihnachten, Doodles, Doodling, Kritzeleien, Zeichnungen, zeichnen lernen, kreativ, Journal, Bullet Journal Seiten, Seiten gestalten, Bujo, Journal erstellen, Journal gestalten, Träume, Wünsche aufschreiben, was tun bevor man stirbt, was tun bevor man löffel abgibt, bevor man 30 wird, reiseziele, reise wünsche, was tun

What is a Bucket List and what are its benefits?

The original idea behind it is to make a list of all the things and to do's that you absolutely want to experience before you die. You can write down different things, such as climbing a certain mountain, visiting a faraway country or buying a significant item. The list contains selected, personal life goals and serves on the one hand as motivation for the realization and on the other hand as a small reminder. In this way you never lose sight of your wishes and dreams and can gradually chop off what you have already experienced. The Bucket List is also known as "spoon list" (things you want to do before you kick the bucket).

Bucket Lists in the Bullet Journal - Create wish lists for each month

I always include smaller bucket lists in my Bullet Journal. Here I have space to creatively write down all my wishes and dreams. I use this opportunity to keep track of my plans and experiences in certain seasons or to never lose sight of my travel destinations. With this kind of list I can motivate myself to try something new and at the same time I can put my wishes into reality. Have you ever thought about your wishes and dreams? Or which experiences you want to realize in summer/winter?

travel, paare, freunde, beste Freundin, bücher, filme, essen, food, Bullet Journal, Bucket List, Liste erstellen, Löffelliste, Bucket Liste, summer, Sommer, Herbst, Fall, Autumn, Christmas, Weihnachten, Doodles, Doodling, Kritzeleien, Zeichnungen, zeichnen lernen, kreativ, Journal, Bullet Journal Seiten, Seiten gestalten, Bujo, Journal erstellen, Journal gestalten, Träume, Wünsche aufschreiben, was tun bevor man stirbt, was tun bevor man löffel abgibt, bevor man 30 wird, reiseziele, reise wünsche, was tun

22 ideas for various bucket lists in the Bullet Journal

  1. Life Bucket List: Here you write down your goals & wishes for your whole life.

  2. Year Bucket List: On this list there is room for all wishes for the coming year, so I always create them at the beginning of the year and add them during the year if necessary.

  3. Family Bucket List: This is the place for wishes & plans for your family life.

  4. Bucket List for Best Friends: What do you want to experience with your best friend?

  5. Movies Bucket List: Here you can write down all the movies you would like to watch. This way you'll never forget which movie titles you really wanted to remember.

  6. Food Bucket List: Are there any special dishes you definitely want to try at some point?

  7. 30 things to do before turning 30: A list you should have done before turning 30. Here you can write down all kinds of dreams and wishes.

  8. Recipes Bucket List: On this list you can find all the recipes you want to try.

  9. Books Bucket List: Write down all the book titles that you are still planning to read.

  10. Spring Bucket List: Write down all the things you would like to do this spring (e.g. a picnic in the park, a bike ride or a first barbecue)

  11. 20 things to do in your 20s: What goals and dreams do you have that you really want to do in your 20s? Do you want to visit a great festival or work abroad for a while? Write down 20 (or more) things that inspire you.

  12. Action Bucket List: Here you can write down nerve-wracking activities you want to do (like parachute jumping or bungee jumping).

  13. Hobby Bucket List: Which hobbies do you still want to learn? Maybe you are planning to learn a new skill this month/year (e.g. lettering, skiing or swimming)

  14. Summer Bucket List: There is so much to do in summer! Write down the experiences and dreams you have for the summer.

  15. Travel Bucket List: Where else would you like to travel to? Here you have space for every country on earth.

  16. Bucket List for individual cities: Which city trips are you planning? Are there special cities you want to visit?

  17. Bucket List for couples: As a couple, you often have things you want to experience together. On your Bucket List you will find space for common goals and dreams.

  18. Bucket List for your studies: Which wishes and dreams will accompany you through your studies? What do you want to do during this time (e.g. a semester abroad in England, living in a shared flat or doing an internship)

  19. Halloween Bucket List: Write a list of all the things you associate with Halloween and the creepy season.

  20. Autumn Bucket List: Here you can find all the activities and your wishes for the autumn season, whether you want to bake a DIY with leaves or a pumpkin pie.

  21. Winter Bucket List: Go sledding, build a snowman or go ice skating - write down all the things you want to do this winter.

  22. Christmas Bucket List: Baking cookies, drinking hot chocolate or singing Christmas carols - what don't you want to miss this Christmas?

Have fun creating and designing lists! :)


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